Hello Karen,
We have named our puppy (Mr. Brown) “Hunter”. Hunter was at the vet on Thursday. The record from the vet is attached. He will be back at the vet in a couple of weeks for his next shots.
Hunter is a very handsome puppy and we love him! He is very loving and quite smart too. He has caught on to house training VERY quickly and is already almost completely house trained. He is already learning to do a few tricks and will “sit” for a treat. He really loves running in the yard, especially with our grandchildren.
He is growing fast. He put on a few pounds this week. When I get a few pictures, I’ll send them up to you.
Thank you for this wonderful addition to our family!
Hello to Everyone at Icewind,
Hunter is doing very well. He has been very healthy. He is definitely getting big and he is still growing. I’m sure he’s more than 60# by now. Next time we weigh him, I’ll let you know. He’s had all his shots, and he thinks that his vitamins are a treat.
He is a very handsome fellow. Everyone who meets him for the first time comments on what a beautiful animal he is.
He’s definitely a “people person”, and doesn’t like to stray far from one of the family (except, of course, if there’s a squirrel nearby that needs chasing!).
Laura is up in Maine at our summer place, and Hunter is loving every minute of it.
The second day at the lake, Hunter learned that he could swim! He took to that very quickly.
The beach (or anywhere outside) is his favorite place to be. He likes to dig and play in the sand and the water.
And sometimes a family of ducks comes by and the ducklings actually come over to play with him.
It’s quite a sight.
I’ll be going up to the cabin next week to be with them.
I’ll see if I can send you some more pictures then.
I also attached a picture of Hunter when he was much smaller back in early March, and we went out for a quick romp in the snow.
Ken Brattlie